Bleaching Treatment

A smile is the first feature we notice when meeting people, but unfortunately teeth can discolour with age, wear and tear and of course the odd tea/coffee or red wine. When was the last time you spruced up your smile?

Teeth whitening is an easy, non-invasive treatment which can help you brighten your smile and
lighten the shade of your teeth for a more youthful and vibrant appearance.

At Ashmore Dental we offer an at-home whitening system which allows you to have control over
your desired results. We custom make bleaching trays for your teeth to be worn with whitening gel
for 30mins a day (PolaDay).

It is important to assess your suitability for whitening before starting. Existing fillings will not change
colour and may need replacing after whitening for a more uniform appearance. It is also important
to assess your mouth for dental decay and gum disease before whitening as this can affect your
suitability and end results.

For further information and prices please contact out friendly staff